Our Services

At Neumed we believe in offering our best service at all times.

Cardio Monitoring

We have the latest ECG equipment to monitor hart conditions, we provide excaminition for Medical and other insurance.(Double appoint needed.)

Medical Treatment

Our Doctors can diagnose for any kind of illness, if they feel that you need specialised treatment you will be informed accordingly and arrangements will be made immediately.

Women Care

Routine gynaecological examination(Papsmear, insertion and removal of IUCD) Pregnancy diagnosis with diagnostic Ultrasound, ANC to 20 weeks.

Child Care

At Neumed our Doctors and staff will provide your child with the care that they need, our rooms are also childproof so that your children are safe while at our rooms

Neumed Mission Statement.

The NEUMED personnel strive to deliver a world class comprehensive professional primary care service within the local community. Our service delivery model is built on the pillars of good clinical governance which is defined as a framework monitoring the services we provide to ensure our standards of care are maintained and we remain accountable to the patients we serve.

These 6 pillars are:

1. Clinical Effectiveness. Within clinical governance we measure outcomes of clinical intervention as related to our quality assurance cycle.

2. Risk Management: We are acutely aware of emerging health risks and believe in early intervention through preventative and awareness strategies. Early diagnosis and treatment of many conditions improve the ultimate clinical outcomes.

3. Patient Centricity and Involvement: We believe in a patient centred approach rather than a disease orientated approach. By informing our patients about their illnesses and respecting their cultural, age, demographic and socio-economic diversity we motivate and educate our patients in order to empower them to be involved with their treatment strategies. We assist our patients also to understand their health status and make informed decisions.

4. Continuing Professional Development and Training: We attend many professional courses and seminars in order to comply with the Health Professions Council of South Africa’s strict standards. Our professional knowledge within our field of practice is and will always be of international standard.

5. Ethics: We are very serious about strict professional and business ethics and every person associated with Neumed is bound by a strict Ethical Code of Conduct within our scope of practice and beyond.

6. Communication: It is imperative to communicate with our patients and we encourage patients to actively participate in order to create a culture of mutual respect and information sharing.

We are proud of what we offer to our patients and we strive continuously to maintain and improve our levels of professional excellence. We are from the community for the community!

Our Facilities

Our Team

We are proud to be of service to our patients

Dr WJW Neuhoff

M.B.Ch.B W.Prax.Med.D.B.G/

D.O.H.,A.M.E Cert. Medicine and Law

Dr CJ Niemand

M.B Ch.B

Dr B van Zyl

BMedSci; MBChB; (UP);

DOH (Wits)

Deserate Coombe

Lancet Rooms Sister

Contact Us

Please contact us by email.


57 Kruger Street
Petersfield, Springs


011 811 5780